Host a Sarga Bodywork Course
Sarga Bodywork’s instructors may be willing to travel to teach a course, or recurring courses at your venue. Venues can be either commercial or residential. Rental rates can be negotiated and terms will vary per location. If you are interested in hosting a course, please review our course location requirements below and contact us to discuss further. For private staff courses, instructor(s) airfare and lodging must be covered, unless otherwise negotiated.
VENUE Requirements for Sarga BODYWORK COURSES
Classroom space large enough to hold 3-4 massage tables. Minimum dimensions are 12 feet by 22 feet of open floor space (this does not account for door-swing clearance, furniture, cabinetry, etc.).
Access to a bathroom with hot water (an additional sink in the teaching space is ideal).
The ability to receive a few shipped boxes with class materials. If the host site is a recurring venue, it must have the ability to store these items between courses.
For US venues, the host site must be able to provide general liability insurance coverage and preferably carry a Massage Establishment License.
For courses taught on floor-based raised massage tables:
One yoga mat and two yoga blocks per student must be provided.
All massage tables used for the course must have the following specifications:
The ability to be laid flat on the floor via disengaging one end of both lengthwise undercarriage cables.
Width must be no narrower than 28” (tables that are between 30” and 32” wide are ideal).
Must have the necessary hardware installed on each table in order to provide secure tie-offs for the Sarga Silk.
For courses taught on raised massage tables:
The classroom space must have high enough ceilings to accommodate a therapist standing fully upright on a regular massage table.
One saddle style bar stool (between 25-30 inches in height) per student must be provided.
Portable massage tables used for the course must have the following specifications:
Excellent quality and condition.
Must have a minimum working weight capacity of 500 pounds.
Must have medium-firm foam (tables with thick, soft foam don’t give enough stability for the working practitioner).
Width must be no narrower than 32” (tables that are between 32” and 36” wide are ideal).
Must have anti-slip rubber feet on the bottoms of the legs.
Must not be of aluminum construction.
Stationary/electric massage tables used for the course must have the following specifications:
Must have medium-firm foam.
Width must be no smaller than 32” (tables that are between 32” and 36” wide are ideal).
Must have the necessary hardware installed on each table in order to provide secure tie-offs for the Sarga Silk.
New Earthlite massage tables (portable or stationary) can be provided for host venues by Sarga Bodywork at a discount if tables need to be purchased.
We ask that all the massage tables provided for class be approved via sending us the make/model and a picture of the undercarriage measurement (like the picture below).